1. Illes Balears Ballooning Festival Mallorca
in 07590 Cala Rajada (Balears), Spain
Full Address:
City: 07590 Cala Rajada (Balears)
Country: Spain
Date: From 23 October 2024 to 27 October 2024
Organizer: Illes Balears Ballooning S.L.
Website: www.ibballooningfestivalmallorca.com
Contact Person: Donde estamos
Phone: (+34) 607 647 647
Contact Us on Email
The island of Mallorca is a summer destination par excellence. This island offers a panoply of activities and balloon flights are part of the most interesting activities to discover and visit the island. To mark your stay in Mallorca, do not hesitate to opt for a balloon trip and enjoy all the advantages offered by this activity.
Balloon flights is an ideal activity for escapeditas in pairs. It is also another way to discover Mallorca enjoying the panoramic view. If you are in love with adventure or if you are looking for new things to mark and immortalize your vacation, opt for a balloon trip. The most ideal is to choose the flights in the afternoon and enjoy the sunset. Without a doubt, there is nothing romantic than a sunset. For this summer, add a bit of romance to your vacation. On board the basket, you can bring a champagne to give a unique atmosphere to the getaway.
If you are looking for sensation, the balloon trip is perfect. It offers you a unique experience and unforgettable and unique moments. If you are looking for an unusual gift, the balloon flight in Mallorca is also perfect. Having a guaranteed view throughout the island of Mallorca, is an experience that you do not miss in life.
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