Upcoming Events in Italy

Italian International Balloon Grand Prix 2025

From 25 July 2025 to 03 August 2025
in Gualdo Cattaneo (Parco Acquarossa) & Massa Martana (PG)., Italy

Italy's major international ballooning event with balloon teams arriving from all over the world will have the participation of circa 100 balloons in order to attend our 2025 edition which is now in its 37th. consecutive year!!! The world's N°.1 BALLOONING VACATION held in a relaxed atmosphere with fiesta flights scheduled every morning or competition flights for the more enthusiast ...

Past Events in Italy

34. Raduno Internazionale Montgolfiere

From 07 October 2022 to 09 October 2022
in Fragneto Montforte (BN), Italy

A.S. CLUB AEROSTATICO WIND & FIRE Il Club Aerostatico WIND & FIRE nasce nel Marzo del 2005 a Fragneto Monforte (BN), sede storica di uno dei più importanti e longevi raduni di mongolfiere italiani, dove la passione per il magico mondo delle “Navi del cielo”, nasce spontaneo. Con lo scopo di praticare e promuovere la disciplina del Volo Aerostatico in Italia e all’estero, il ...

4 Reviews

Sagrantino Cup 2020

From 26 July 2020 to 09 August 2020
in Gualdo Cattaneo (Pg) Parco Acquarossa Todi , Italy

Italy's major international ballooning event with balloon teams arriving from all over the world. The world's N°.1 BALLOONING VACATION held in a relaxed atmosphere with fiesta flights scheduled every morning or competition flights for the more enthusiast balloonist as they may choose. 95% of all scheduled flights actually flown with our always very favorable weather conditions!! ...

1 Reviews

Balloonweek Dolomites

From 04 January 2020 to 12 January 2020
in I-39034 Toblach, Italy

In these days, dozens of hot-air balloons transform the entire Alta Pusteria into a colorful fantasy landscape. During the Dolomiti Balloonweek every visitor has the opportunity to book a balloon trip with an experienced professional pilot and thus a unique experience and to experience the most beautiful peaks of the world noticeably close, without having to climb them. The unforgettable rides ...

Ferrara Balloons Festival

From 06 September 2019 to 15 September 2019
in Ferrara , Italy

Born 15 years ago from an idea of the Ferrara's Province and Municipality, the event developed from a balloon's rally to a Festival that includes aeronautical, sport, cultural and entertainment 's events with laboratories, rides and animations for the children, just a short distance from the historic center of Ferrara, jewel of the Renaissance and UNESCO World Heritage Site. ...


From 06 April 2019 to 06 April 2019

IL PROGETTO “SESTO NEL PALLONE” L’idea nasce da una serie di fortuiti incontri e associazioni d’idee e prevede in estrema sintesi un RADUNO INTERNAZIONALE DI MONGOLFIEREcon possibilità di accogliere a bordo anche ragazzi disabili. Sonocoinvolti gli studenti dell’Istituto Istruzione Superiore “C.A. Dalla Chiesa” con l’elaborazione di idee grafiche, la realizzazione di pagine ...

Balloonweek Dolomites

From 05 January 2019 to 13 January 2019
in I-39034 Toblach, Italy

In these days, dozens of hot-air balloons transform the entire Alta Pusteria into a colorful fantasy landscape. During the Dolomiti Balloonweek every visitor has the opportunity to book a balloon trip with an experienced professional pilot and thus a unique experience and to experience the most beautiful peaks of the world noticeably close, without having to climb them. The unforgettable rides ...

Festival delle montgolfiere

From 13 October 2018 to 21 October 2018
in 50100 Firenze, Italy

Il Festival delle mongolfiere è una grande festa dedicata ai giganti dell'aria. Le mongolfiere coloreranno per il secondo anno il cielo di Firenze emozionando le famiglie che vorranno trascorrere una giornata all'insegna del divertimento. Numerosi laboratori e attività didattiche affiancheranno i voli vincolati e gli straordinari spettacoli offerti dalle mongolfiere. ...

Dolomiti Balloonweek 2018

From 06 January 2018 to 14 January 2018
in Toblach, Italy

In the following days dozens of hot air balloons turn the whole Hochpustertal / Alta Pusteria valley into a colorful fantasy landscape. During the Dolomiti Balloonweek, every visitor has the opportunity to book a balloon trip and thus a unique experience, to experience the most beautiful peaks in the world. ...

X° Paestum Balloon Festival

From 30 September 2017 to 08 October 2017
in Paestum, Italy

Hereby I'd like to invite you to the X° Paestum Balloon Festival (gps 40°25’12.00”N - 15°00’19.00”E ) from the 30th of September until Sunday 8th October 2017 (check in Friday 30th of September) and give you the opportunity to fly above in a beautifull countryside and taking off next to the famous Roman and Greek Temples. All pilots and crews staying at a camping near the ...

Festival delle Montgolfiere di Treviso 2017

From 26 August 2017 to 27 August 2017
in Treviso, Italy

The protagonists of the Festival slowly take shape at dawn and dusk when weather conditions are optimal and can ensure a safe flight.* It's the wind that indicates the way to follow; to passengers it remains to enjoy the show from the top and satisfy their curiosity about the flight thanks to the professionalism of the pilots. Watch the inflation of the giants of the air, watching ...

Sangratino Balloon Festival

From 21 July 2017 to 30 July 2017
in Todi, Italy

The Event A truly 'international' event with a 10 day duration allowing breathtaking daily morning flights in a relaxed environment leaving the rest of the day, for each and all, to enjoy to the full everything Italy has to offer making this not only a true sporting international event for the enthusiast but a wonderful holiday break for the whole team or family to remember. ...

BACI 2017

From 22 April 2017 to 25 April 2017
in Florenz, Italy

The Balloon Arts convention Italy. Whether you want to specialise in large decor, centrepiece design, weddings or twisting, you'll find classes to suit any interest. BACI classes teach you how to handle each request and take care of all the details while still having fun! Top-notch instructors will be available throughout the event to show you how to turn ideas into realities. And if ...

Dolomiti Balloonfestival in Toblach '17

From 07 January 2017 to 15 January 2017
in Toblach, Italy

Ballonfahren in Toblach Unterwegs im Heißluftballon, hinweg über die malerischen Dolomiten des Hochpustertals, leise schwebend, vom Wind getrieben. Ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer, das jeglichen Alltagsstreß vergessen lässt. Ballonfahrt von ca. 1 Stunde: 290,00 €/Person Für eine Weitfahrt (nur im Winter möglich) wird ab der zweiten Stunde 99,00 € pro Stunde und Person als ...

VoliaMo Balloons Festival

From 02 June 2016 to 05 June 2016
in Viale Virgilio, 58 - 41123 Modena (MO) , Italy

VOLIAMOfestival è il nuovo evento di mongolfiere e cavalli che si terrà presso lo storico Ippodromo Ghirlandina di Modena sabato 28 e domenica 29 maggio, e dal 2 al 5 giugno 2016. È alla sua prima edizione e a promuoverlo è Modena Fiere, in collaborazione con Ferrara Fiere Congressi, che organizza il Ferrara Balloons Festival (la più importante manifestazione di mongolfiere in Italia), e con ...

Festival del riso e delle mongolfiere

From 28 May 2016 to 05 June 2016
in Isola della Scala, Italy

La seconda edizione del Festival del riso e delle mongolfiere è in programma il 28 - 29 maggio e 4 - 5 giugno 2016 al Parco del Riso - Isola della Scala (VR). È un festival di intrattenimento che comprende voli e spettacoli delle mongolfiere, laboratori didattici, parco giochi, i migliori risotti della tradizione veronese, shopping dedicato alle famiglie, ai bambini, ai giovani e agli adulti ...