Balloon Weeks in Filzmoos
in Filzmoos, Austria
Full Address:
City: Filzmoos
Country: Austria
Date: From 13 January 2024 to 27 January 2024
Organizer: Filzmoos Tourismus
Contact Person: Peter Donabauer
Phone: +43/6453/8235
Contact Us on Email
From 13th – 27th January 2024, some 50 hot-air balloonists from all over the world will be taking part in the 15th Hanneshof Balloon Trophy (13th - 20th Janaury) and the 45th International Balloon Week (20th to 27th January) in Filzmoos
The majestic, mountainous backdrop of the holiday resort in Pongau will once again attract balloonists from many different nations, as well as thousands of visitors.
As in previous years, the “Night of the Balloons” is scheduled for Saturday, 13th January 2024 from 6.00 pm. The balloons will be set up and inflated at the launch field “Hammerwiese”, thus providing a wonderful, colourful display.
This alpine location – Filzmoos in some 1.057 metres above sea-level, surrounded by impressive mountain ranges, such as the Bischofsmütze (Gosaukamm), the Dachstein and the Rossbrand – is always a great challenge for the international balloon-pilots. Daily starts is ca. 9.30 am.
Hot-air balloons provide wonderful subjects for hobby photographers and amateur film-makers. From the inflation of these huge “envelopes” that can take up to 5.000 m³ of air, to the actual take-off and eventual disappearance into the sky – these events in Filzmoos provide subject matter for your lense, that you don’t find everyday!
If you haven´t already organised your holiday dates – a trip during the Balloon Weeks, combined with a skiing holiday in the idyllic setting of Filzmoos, could be a great idea! During this period, there are some very reasonable package deals available, incl. ski pass. Check out our website for more info:
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